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Showing posts with label paleo diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paleo diet. Show all posts

At half past one, the stomach begins to growl. Time for lunch! But if work is already stacked on the desk, your food will probably not have the nutrients that you need. In order to work, however, your body needs to be regularly supplied with them - especially if you want to lose weight. Avoid these 8 food traps at lunch time, as they sabotage your diet and even provide you with a few extra kilos.

Mistake 1: You eat while walking

Are you also among those who quickly get a snack from the cafeteria and eat on the way to the office? Then, unfortunately, we have bad news for you: according to a study, you're eating 30% more calories than you would sitting down. Take your time with food, it does not have to be an hour. We are all stressed. But 15 minutes are sufficient for a healthy lunch. And you can definitely make that kind of room, right?

Mistake 2: You put off lunch

Even if your stomach is not growling, you should have lunch between noon and 2PM. Anyone who waits longer risks being attacked by a sudden bear's hunger, and this usually ends with jamming your mouth full of fast food and the like. Furthermore, your body needs new nutrients in the form of food every four hours. Otherwise, your metabolism slows down and that means that it burns fewer calories.

Mistake 3: You eat too much salad

"What is this, a weight loss error?" Do not get us wrong: salad is healthy, has few calories, no fat and is therefore perfect for losing weight. The green leaves and raw vegetables in it are just fine. A large weight loss trap, however, lurks in the salad buffet over at the canteen between calorie-rich dressings and toppings such as croutons or cheese, e.g. feta, mozzarella or Parmesan.

Anyone who puts too much of any of that on their plate turns their really healthy salad into a small calorie bomb. So: in the future, more salad (yes, only the green leaves), more vegetables and fewer toppings. "I will never be satisfied." Do not panic, just combine your salad with a roll, a brine or a soup. When dressing, less is more. A shot of vinegar, oil, salt and pepper are already sufficient and taste much better than fatty toppings.

Mistake 4: You go out to eat every day

Having lunch with colleagues is fun, that much is clear. It's also hard to lose weight during this time. On most menus, there are lots of dishes behind which there are a lot of calories hidden. The portions are usually very generous and are good to eat. In addition, it is rather costly to go out to eat. It is healthier and cheaper to cook yourself.

Simply cook your lunch the night before. Sounds dull? It's easy to prepare your food with 'Meal Prep' containers. And do not worry, that does not mean that eating out is taboo, just not every day.

Mistake 5: You have diet soft drinks while you eat

A cold refreshment is a good lunch for most. "It's not so bad if it's light." Unfortunately, that is false. The sugar is replaced with low-calorie sweeteners and since you only fake delivering calories to your body with the sweet taste, the belly quickly starts to growl again. It waits longingly for the promised energy. Better alternative: a large glass of water with a little lemon.

Mistake 6: You eat in front of the computer

A popular slimming sin at lunch and especially "popular" when work is again piled on top of your desk. You're paying attention to a screen, while shoving something mechanically into your mouth. The food becomes a side issue and that is the danger. Your attention is somewhere else, so you do not realize when you are really full. In the worst case, you continue to eat until the plate is empty. You then pay the tax of a bloated and full belly that makes work in the afternoon much more difficult. By the way: the same also applies to the TV.

Mistake 7: You eat packaged snacks

At first glance, the packaged salad or sandwich look like a healthy meal. But appearances can be deceptive. In the dressing, the topping cheats you by actually containing calories that settle on your hips. And the dishes are not really as tasty. In this case, the following should be the preferred step: cook yourself, according to the principle of the Meal Preps (see point 4). You know what's inside and it tastes better. You do not have to do it every day, but 1 to 2 times a week will do just fine.

Mistake 8: You skip lunch completely

If you skip lunch completely, you will not only have to battle an annoying feeling of hunger, but also lack of energy. And only to save 500 calories at lunch? Definitely a bad idea. Your body needs regular nutrients to maintain all its functions. If it is not supplied with nutrients, your metabolism will slow down and you will burn fewer calories - while losing weight in a counterproductive way. In addition to that, the feeling of hunger grows more persistent, just like the hole in your stomach. This is not only unpleasant, but ends with gaining more than the 500 calories you saved earlier when you have dinner.

You won't be hungry in the future if you consume the following: long-chain carbohydrates, dietary fiber and plenty of protein, which should be on the menu at noon, because they are long-lasting and prevent you from getting hungry without overloading your calorie count.

 The Paleolithic diet, more commonly known as the Paleo diet, is directly inspired by the diet of our ancestors who ate more naturally, unprocessed foods. You should know, however, that it is more than a diet to lose weight, it is, above all, a rather restrictive lifestyle.

Eating as Our Ancestors: the Basic Principle

Our ancestors were primarily hunter-gatherers, so they mainly consumed animal proteins and natural foods. To follow this diet, you will need to favor a diet rich in meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts, and forget all cereals and dairy products, since they did not exist during the Paleolithic era. In regards to sugars and fats, they are consumed in their natural form. Why? Because, according to this diet, the human body would better digest and more easily assimilate the foods that have been consumed for thousands of years.

Everything About the Paleo Diet

Foods Allowed During the Paleo Diet

To follow this diet, you can eat all lean meats from animals fed exclusively on grass, poultry, wild fish, eggs, vegetables poor in starch such as cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini, untreated cold pressed oils such as olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil, moderately sweet fruits, nuts, sweet potatoes, yams and other root vegetables, and, finally, untreated herbs and spices.

Foods to Avoid During the Paleo Diet

The list of foods prohibited in the Paleolithic diet is rather consistent. Avoid sweet products, dairy products, cereals and their derivatives such as flour, cakes and bread... Avoid, also, industrial products like soda, pre-prepared meals, and crisps and other appetizer biscuits. You will also have to eliminate from your diet all cooked or extracted oils, legumes such as beans, soybeans or chickpeas...

Recommended Cooking During the Paleo Diet

It is clear that, during the Paleolithic era, if fire already existed, our ancestors continued to eat mainly raw foods. If you can actually eat as much raw food as possible, such as vegetables in salads, you are still allowed to cook the food, but take care to preserve it as much as possible. For this, go for steaming or cooking at low heat, without the addition of fat, which will preserve the vitamins of the food.

The Health Benefits of the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet contributes to obvious weight loss, and it is also good for your health, especially to limit the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or even allergies. It also has very positive effects on the skin and helps you regain a beneficial sleep. It also provides ideal digestion. In addition, its high content of protein and dietary fiber also provides a quick sense of satiety, which eliminates daily cravings at all hours.

Since it's hard to follow the diet for a long time, you can do so for a short time and there still will be a positive effect. Eating like your ancestors will make you look funny, but will also allow you to realize that many foods and processed products sold on the market do not serve any purpose!

 As you can see, going Paleo is likely going to end up being a bit harder than you may have


But what about the weight loss associated with it? Are all of these problems balanced out

by an incredibly slim and sexy waistline in just a few weeks?

Well… not quite.

Studies have shown that Paleo does, in fact, lead to weight loss in some people who fully

commit to the diet. But in most cases, that weight loss takes a bit of time to start to show.

One study from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that obese patients on

the Paleo Diet lost on average around 14 pounds over a six month period. Another 2015

study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that a 60-day Paleo

Diet resulted in an average weight loss of around 9 pounds in 76 individuals.

Two other studies have shown weight loss effects, but the experiment designs themselves

were a bit questionable in that neither had a control group (which is an essential part of

a sound scientific method). The first study showed weight loss at around 5lbs over the

course of 3 weeks while the second study showed almost 10lbs over 5 weeks.

Weight Loss The Paleo Diet

In the end, weight loss is possible on the Paleo Diet – over time. But to put it bluntly, it isn’t

much better than any other diet out there.

When followed to a T, the Paleo Diet can actually provide a couple of core benefits

including reduced risk of certain diseases, a “cleaner” diet overall, more fullness

throughout the day, and a potential influx of certain vitamins and nutrients.

Let’s first take a look at disease prevention. For some people, going Paleo is all about

having a healthier immune system that’s better able to fight off maladies like cancer and

heart disease. And while the research is still out on whether the types of foods eaten

during Paleo are that beneficial, researchers are confident that the weight loss associated

with this diet (more on that later) can help prevent obesity-related disorders including:

• Heart disease

Benefits of the Paleo Diet

• High blood pressure

• Diabetes

• Gallbladder disease and gallstones

• Osteoarthritis

• Breathing problems

It’s worth repeating, though, that the benefit of Paleo here is strictly related to how weight

loss alone can prevent such diseases. The actual impact that the Paleo Diet’s foods have

on disease prevention is still up for debate.

Another benefit, though, is that going Paleo means you’re cutting out a substantial

number of food additives, preservatives, and other potentially dangerous compounds. In

many cases, the majority of these compounds are safe to consume in moderate amounts

(despite their intimidatingly complex names).

However, consuming unhealthy levels of these compounds or some that have been

deemed dangerous may increase the risk of certain kinds of cancers according to the

American Cancer Society. And by cutting these out of your diet entirely with Paleo, you

may be reducing those risks.

The Paleo Diet might also end up making you fuller throughout the day due to the higher

amount of proteins, fiber, and fats. One study even found that people on Paleo felt fuller

than those on the highly-regarded Mediterranean diets. This effect will, of course, vary

from person to person but it stands to reason that the less hungry you are, the lower your

risk of slipping up and indulging in a cheat snack will be.

And finally, Paleo may end up providing higher levels of certain types of vitamins and

minerals which can contribute to healthier cholesterol and lower triglycerides. If you’re

The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet

moving from a junk food diet with little to no nutrition, adopting a meal regimen full

of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats is going to flood your system with the dietary

nourishment that you’ve been missing out on for a long time.

And that can all add up to better overall health in the long run – even if it is just from

fitting in more healthy foods into your meals. 

The paleo diet is soaring in popularity, with information everywhere citing the abundance of health benefits delivered by this ancestral hunter-gatherer diet. From the curing of intestinal problems, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and cholesterol issues, to increased muscle mass and sustainable weight loss, how does one diet manage to do so much? Surely one diet can’t increase muscle, shed weight, stop illness and cure ailments. That sounds like a magic pill, too good to be true.

If you need help with recipes, this is a great paleo diet cook book!
Perhaps this is why the entire world doesn’t yet follow the paleo lifestyle, we just don’t believe what we are reading and are too conditioned to believe that we should always have some sort of health complaint. Think about yourself and the people you know. How often don’t you or others around you complain of feeling ill or having a pain? Not is often the answer. We are a sick world, literally. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Paleo is an ambiguous lifestyle application.

Paleo Diet Lifestyle | Loss Weight

By this, I mean that whatever your positive bodily goal is, the paleo diet will adapt and assist in achieving the desired goal(s). Basically, you feed the body what it naturally requires and then set about becoming healthier in the areas you desire. Think of it like this. When you put optimum gasoline in a car, whether you drive fast, slow, regularly or infrequently, the car will still drive smoothly and effortlessly. With the paleo diet, whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, cure headaches, prevent bloatedness or ward off minor ailments, the body will do so because it has the correct fuel to act on all the requirements.

This comprises the reason so many people lose weight following the paelo diet, because it is effortless. The majority of people trying to lose weight are already exercising, and exercise is closely linked with living paleo. So when undertaking the diet people find themselves with increased energy to exercise more, they sleep better to aid recovery, eat less bad fats, sugar and high cholesterol foods, and subsequently a natural weight loss plan is set in motion. CrossFit training in particular is synonymous with the paleo diet because this high intensity training requires lean muscle and bundles of reserve energy. When living paleo you don’t need to drink excessive energy drinks or protein shakes to train. You feel consistently energized and get all you need from your daily meals. Unlike most diets where you feel drained and hungry all the time, snacks are allowed in paleo and eating when you feel hungry isn’t a problem.

The problem most weight loss diets have is that they encourage rapid weight loss for which the body reacts against, putting the weight back on as quickly as you lost it. Paleo facilitates weight loss naturally without starvation, which is known to cause adverse reactions and potential health problems. Paleo also goes beyond the wall which most weight loss diets fail to conquer, attacking stubborn weight because the body doesn’t feel the need to store it due to a substantial level of ‘good fats’ intake. So, we know what the paleo diet is, we know what we can eat, what we can’t and that we can achieve sustainable weight loss by living paleo. But how easy is cooking, and where can the best paleo recipes be found? If you need help with recipes, this is a great paleo diet cook book!.

Paleo is short for Paleolithic, which refers to a prehistoric era defined by the development of the first stone tools. The modern day paleo diet refers to eating like our hunter-gatherer ancestors who lived in communal groups and fed off of the land.

Obviously our forefathers didn’t eat processed foods, and they weren’t sitting stooped over computers all day either. No, they were roaming up to 19km per day hunting and picking their food as animals do. With this in mind, the paleo diet attempts to replicate the traditional human diet which historically was naturally aligned with Mother Nature and certainly didn’t cause obesity problems. Paleo isn’t so much a diet, more of a way of living that replicates – in a modern way – the diet for which the human body was designed to follow. The paleo community believes that the agricultural revolution is directly responsible for increased ill health across the world, and medical reports globally show they aren’t wrong. Heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cancer are all linked directly with excessive consumption of factory farmed meats, preservatives, processed sugars and high salt intake. Paleo excludes dairy and grains, both of which were not part of our ancestors’ diet. This makes logical sense considering that approximately 25% of the US population is lactose intolerant (1994/NIDDK), and more than 2-million people suffer from celiac disease, with as many as 1 in 22 people thought to be undiagnosed. These statistics are compelling and proof that although we may think the body has adapted to an alternative diet the figures suggest otherwise.

Visit the Paleo Cookbook  for great Paleo Diet recipes. The paleo diet is becoming increasingly popular due to its natural ability to produce sustainable weight loss, increase energy, reduce ailments and sickness and promote better sleep. People have also reported fewer headaches, stomach aches and joint pains. The diet comprises all the nutrients and vitamins a person needs daily and draws its staple ingredients from specific meats, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.

 As a preference fresh, organic ingredients are used for cooking. At first this may sound a little boring, but you will be surprised. The paleo diet includes sweet items derived from natural sources such as coconuts and almonds. There are even recipes for natural chocolate. The paleo diet doesn’t expect you to go out on the kill for a wildebeest or scavenge for berries, but what it does ask is that you simply avoid foods that are proven to have a negative effect on the body. How often do you see an image of a fat caveman? Never is the answer. And that is because being overweight is a modern day problem. But we shouldn’t need diet fads, pills and extreme weight loss programs to maintain a healthy weight, we should just eat properly. This is where paleo comes into its element. It is a natural, effortless and achievable way to live a healthy existence that the body is already programmed to follow.

Often the Paleo diet plan is developed by following the eating patterns of our ancestors or forefathers even though the classic athlete diet program focuses on many carbs and reduced amounts of fats.
This Paleo Diet program meant for Professional athletes, authored by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., and also Joe Friel, links the popular Paleo diet program to athletes through taking the usual Paleo ideas and creating a diet plan which allows sportsmen to perform at a top level.

If you are an athlete, nutrition performs a crucial role with regard to supplying the nutritional value needed to power workouts and enhance restoration. This Paleo diet regime concentrates on consuming whole, healthy foods that permit the body to hold well balanced hormonal levels and make use of unwanted fat and carbs as the key energy sources. These food types, on the whole, will incorporate the foods which were ordinarily ingested by our own ancestors and forefathers in the Paleolithic period which include fruit and vegetables, fruits and also slender protein.

Carbohydrates are generally the main focus of most sports person weight loss plans, but the Paleo eating plan intended for professional athletes possesses specific recommendations to follow regarding taking in carbohydrates. Take in ingredients that are small to moderate index chart carbs previous to a rigorous workout or even lengthy fitness competition, and consume a carbohydrate/protein recovery meal within just around 30 minutes following your workout or occasion. The Paleo diet regime will normally reduce noodles, bread, bagels and brown rice, however, for extended restoration the Paleo diet regime intended for sportsmen will permit these products reasonably.

The conventional Paleo diet adheres to a unweighed as well as unmeasured mindset, but to enhance vitality and restoration periods, the particular Paleo diet program reduces the advised ranges for carbohydrates, protein and excess fat. Year-round proteins consumption must be about 20 percent to 25 % of the total calories, yet fat and carbs will be different based on the training schedule. Within the common preparation exercising time period, fat calories ought to provide 30 % of the whole calories together with 50 % from carbs. During optimum exercise, an athlete features a higher demand for carbs leading to a rise to 60 % of the particular calories from carbohydrates and twenty percent from fat.

With respect to an sports person, the Paleo diet regime has lots of effectiveness benefits. Eating anti-inflammatory meals rich in trace nutritional value, vitamins and minerals decreases cells inflammation that could prevent proper recovery. Bringing down body acidity definitely will minimize catabolism that will enhance muscle mass progression along with anabolic function.
This article will tell you but my approach is a little different. I am not going to tell you the best fat burner by discussing certain ingredients or chemicals or telling you some particular brand name is the greatest.
No. I am going to let the average person decide by casting a vote. I used an internet tool that let me determine how many searches were performed for a particular word or phrase at a certain search engine.
The results were for the month of May, 2006. I selected well known weight loss pills, brand names or an ingredient and then entered that word or phrase to get my numerical result.
The top vote getter, the most searched term for an herbal diet pill or what the people think is the best fat burner is ephedra.

Here are the results:

Ephedra 86,507
Hydroxycut 52,524
Xenadrine 32,650
Stacker 2 19,031
Metabolife 9,819
Ephedrine 42,575
Green Tea 40,856
Chromium 8,754

Let me note a few things of interest.

More people searched for the term ephedra during the month of May, 2006 while searching for information on a weight loss pill or diet pill than any other well known brand or ingredient.
But whats interesting is, most people think ephedra is illegal or no longer available. Plus, ephedra is just one herbal ingredient in many fat burners.

Green tea, while it has many other benefits was not searched as often as ephedra which is considered illegal by many people.

This is also curious. The brand name Metabolife is a brand that is no longer around. The company has gone bankrupt from lawsuits yet almost 10,000 people a month search for this once great weight loss product.
Another interesting point is that the word ephedrine is actually a chemical within the herbal ephedra plant, but a large number of people are searching for this chemical.

Ephedrine is the major reason the herbal plant, ephedra, works so well and is considered the best fat burner, certainly among the general population of people searching the internet for weight loss pills or diet pills.

Heres a wonderful widely used paleo breakfast recipe, its on an omelette that has been found in many of the most respected paleo recipe guides available on the market.
The good thing that youve the information outlined below for you, all totally free! Please read on to find the recipe and above all, enjoy!
This kind of omelette is actually milk free, and is dairy free when you use coconut oil in lieu of butter.
It is also grain/gluten free. I actually do not put any sugars to the mix, however I have options to include honey plus fresh fruit to serve along with it.

Lets get to the ingredients

Two whole eggs, beaten
One teaspoon. vanilla extract
One T. butter/ghee or perhaps coconut oil, to cook with
Optionally available to offer: (see down below for suggestions)

1. In a bowl beat the vanilla with the eggs until heavy. Set aside.
2. Warm the butter inside the cooking pan upon medium heat until the butter has melted and commenced bubbling.
3. Add the egg mix to the pan making certain the mixture is evenly spread round the pan.
4. Cook until finally its firm and all the fluid has cooked. Collapse the omelette over itself after which you can serve how you like.

Ideas to serve with the special breakfast omelette:

1. Toasted almonds, lemon curd and honey
2. Nut butters for example almond and macadamia
3. Fresh fruit for instance banana, apple and strawberries fill up using lemon curd
4. A dollop of yoghurt or even sour cream
5. A dollop of whipped coconut cream
6. Sprinkle of cinnamon
7. Sliced pecans

What is The Paleo Diet? 

Paleo diet
A Paleo diet, also known as paleolithic diet or caveman diet, is all about natural foods to help achieve great health and a perfect physique. The human body evolved for more than 2 million years with the food found in nature: game meat, fish, vegetables, wild fruits, eggs and nuts. The human race was thriving on this diet high in animal fat and proteins and low in carbohydrates, but things changed when we introduced unnatural foods to our bodies.

This table shows the list of foods that are good to eat and the foods that we have to avoid.

Okay To Eat
Lean Meats
Processed Food & Sugars
Nuts & Seeds
Healthy Fats

Building a Healthy Paleo Diet

Lean proteins
It is an important part of any healthy diet and can help you with your weight-loss efforts. Lean protein provides you with a sense of satiety (fullness) and can help prevent overeating.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that have been shown to decrease the likelihood of developing a number of degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes and neurological decline.

Healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fish oil and grass-fed meat
According to Lawrence Wilson, MD. Fats and oils are composed of chains of molecules called fatty acids that are composed mainly of carbon atoms.  They are high energy foods, providing about 9 calories per gram of fat.  This is more than twice the energy content of sugars and starches.  This is the reason why some nutrition and diet authorities think that fats will make you fat.  However, it is not so when one knows how to choose them properly, and when they are needed, as in fast oxidation.

In fact, high-quality fats and oils are one of the most essential foods to consume every day.  They are needed for your brain and nervous system, for energy production and for making most of the body’s vital hormones.  Children, in particular, absolutely require plenty of fats and oils, particularly EPA and DHA.  These are two omega-3 essential fatty acids needed for development of the nervous system.  Quality fats and oils are also essential for transporting all vitamins, minerals and hormones in and out of every one of the body cells.
The right amount and types of high-quality fats and oils do not drive up one’s insulin level, create insulin resistance and make one fat, as do sugar and carbohydrates.  They also do not rob the body of minerals, as does eating sugars and many starches as well.  Last but not least, fats and oils make our food taste good.
The idea of avoiding all high-quality fats because they may make you fat, or that quality fats clog your arteries, is nonsense, one of the worst nutritional errors of our time.  Even the government ‘food pyramid’ is absolutely wrong when it comes to eating quality fats and oils.  Hopefully, this article will answer many questions about eating fats and oils.
 Health Benefits

Health Benefits

 The Paleo Diet is meant to help you lose weight with the simple concept of foods being either "in" or "out." You choose foods that were available during the Paleolithic era, such as meat, eggs, fish, roots, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. You eschew processed foods along with foods that came along after agriculture and animal husbandry were adopted such as sugar, added salt, dairy, grains and all processed or fast foods. You drink water and eliminate all other beverages, except perhaps organic green tea and coconut water. The basic theory behind the Paleo Diet is that your body is evolutionarily and genetically and designed to thrive on caveman-era foods. The diet is purported to have several benefits, though you need to check with a doctor before trying it. (Source: livestrong)
