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At half past one, the stomach begins to growl. Time for lunch! But if work is already stacked on the desk, your food will probably not have the nutrients that you need. In order to work, however, your body needs to be regularly supplied with them - especially if you want to lose weight. Avoid these 8 food traps at lunch time, as they sabotage your diet and even provide you with a few extra kilos.

Mistake 1: You eat while walking

Are you also among those who quickly get a snack from the cafeteria and eat on the way to the office? Then, unfortunately, we have bad news for you: according to a study, you're eating 30% more calories than you would sitting down. Take your time with food, it does not have to be an hour. We are all stressed. But 15 minutes are sufficient for a healthy lunch. And you can definitely make that kind of room, right?

Mistake 2: You put off lunch

Even if your stomach is not growling, you should have lunch between noon and 2PM. Anyone who waits longer risks being attacked by a sudden bear's hunger, and this usually ends with jamming your mouth full of fast food and the like. Furthermore, your body needs new nutrients in the form of food every four hours. Otherwise, your metabolism slows down and that means that it burns fewer calories.

Mistake 3: You eat too much salad

"What is this, a weight loss error?" Do not get us wrong: salad is healthy, has few calories, no fat and is therefore perfect for losing weight. The green leaves and raw vegetables in it are just fine. A large weight loss trap, however, lurks in the salad buffet over at the canteen between calorie-rich dressings and toppings such as croutons or cheese, e.g. feta, mozzarella or Parmesan.

Anyone who puts too much of any of that on their plate turns their really healthy salad into a small calorie bomb. So: in the future, more salad (yes, only the green leaves), more vegetables and fewer toppings. "I will never be satisfied." Do not panic, just combine your salad with a roll, a brine or a soup. When dressing, less is more. A shot of vinegar, oil, salt and pepper are already sufficient and taste much better than fatty toppings.

Mistake 4: You go out to eat every day

Having lunch with colleagues is fun, that much is clear. It's also hard to lose weight during this time. On most menus, there are lots of dishes behind which there are a lot of calories hidden. The portions are usually very generous and are good to eat. In addition, it is rather costly to go out to eat. It is healthier and cheaper to cook yourself.

Simply cook your lunch the night before. Sounds dull? It's easy to prepare your food with 'Meal Prep' containers. And do not worry, that does not mean that eating out is taboo, just not every day.

Mistake 5: You have diet soft drinks while you eat

A cold refreshment is a good lunch for most. "It's not so bad if it's light." Unfortunately, that is false. The sugar is replaced with low-calorie sweeteners and since you only fake delivering calories to your body with the sweet taste, the belly quickly starts to growl again. It waits longingly for the promised energy. Better alternative: a large glass of water with a little lemon.

Mistake 6: You eat in front of the computer

A popular slimming sin at lunch and especially "popular" when work is again piled on top of your desk. You're paying attention to a screen, while shoving something mechanically into your mouth. The food becomes a side issue and that is the danger. Your attention is somewhere else, so you do not realize when you are really full. In the worst case, you continue to eat until the plate is empty. You then pay the tax of a bloated and full belly that makes work in the afternoon much more difficult. By the way: the same also applies to the TV.

Mistake 7: You eat packaged snacks

At first glance, the packaged salad or sandwich look like a healthy meal. But appearances can be deceptive. In the dressing, the topping cheats you by actually containing calories that settle on your hips. And the dishes are not really as tasty. In this case, the following should be the preferred step: cook yourself, according to the principle of the Meal Preps (see point 4). You know what's inside and it tastes better. You do not have to do it every day, but 1 to 2 times a week will do just fine.

Mistake 8: You skip lunch completely

If you skip lunch completely, you will not only have to battle an annoying feeling of hunger, but also lack of energy. And only to save 500 calories at lunch? Definitely a bad idea. Your body needs regular nutrients to maintain all its functions. If it is not supplied with nutrients, your metabolism will slow down and you will burn fewer calories - while losing weight in a counterproductive way. In addition to that, the feeling of hunger grows more persistent, just like the hole in your stomach. This is not only unpleasant, but ends with gaining more than the 500 calories you saved earlier when you have dinner.

You won't be hungry in the future if you consume the following: long-chain carbohydrates, dietary fiber and plenty of protein, which should be on the menu at noon, because they are long-lasting and prevent you from getting hungry without overloading your calorie count.

According to our habits and, sometimes, our culture, fish takes more or less of an important place in our eating habits. Eating fish is extremely beneficial for both physical and mental health. Do you doubt it? Here are 8 good reasons to eat fish.

1. There is a large variety of fish

There are many kinds of fish. Cod, salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerels... It's hard to choose! This is one of the major strengths of this food. You can make several fish meals a week without eating the same thing. This diversity is also reflected in the prices. Seasonal fish are cheaper, and those can be offered as canned food. Why deprive yourself?

Good Reasons to Eat Fish

2. Fish improves memory

We often hear that eating fish is good for memory. If this saying is so popular, it is because the fish is very rich in phosphorus and omega-3. Phosphorus is present in the membranes of the brain. Consuming it allows you to maintain your brain in perfect state. Omega-3s provide essential fatty acids to nerve cells. From an early age, fish helps with intellectual development. Over the years, it can effectively fight against Alzheimer's disease.

3. They are excellent for the cardiovascular system

If the fish is beneficial to our veins, arteries and heart, it is once again because it is rich in omega-3. These essential fatty acids promote good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. Our cardiovascular system is thus perfectly maintained, and the risk of succumbing to cardiovascular disease is halved!

4. They keep you young

Fish is excellent for your skin: it even slows down its aging! This is because the fish is rich in zinc and selenium. These trace elements ensure the renewal of your cells. At the same time, the vitamin E present in some fish allows you to look good and the vitamin B ensures a good blood circulation.

5. Fish is good for morale

Thanks to the essential fatty acids that compose it, fish is excellent for morale. It reduces stress, anxiety and the risk of depression. How? Thanks to omega-3s, which ensure the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system and a better diffusion of the hormones secreted.

6. Fish strengthens our bones

Fish is an excellent source of vitamin D. This allows the body, and especially our bones, to better absorb the calcium consumed. In addition, fish contains phosphorus, a mineral as good for the brain as for the bones and teeth.

7. Fish helps fight fatigue

Fish is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements: in short, it is complete! Eating fish at least twice a week helps fight fatigue effectively. Because it is also very rich in iron, fish reduces the risk of its deficiency, which results in physical and mental fatigue.

8. Fish is good for your figure

Fish is a slimming ally. It is rich in proteins, the benefits of which are many: they strengthen the immune defenses, promote the renewal of tissues and guarantee the proper functioning of the body. In addition, fish is low in calories and very tasty. It can, therefore, replace other kinds of meat several times a week and allow you to reach an ideal weight.

Eating fish at least twice a week helps optimize your health, body and mind. Thanks to a good variety of dishes it comes in, fish also makes it possible to please any gourmet in any season.

 In this article, you will discover the 10 fruits that contain the highest amount of calories, which you need to avoid if you're trying to lose weight.

1. Nuts - 600 kcal per 100 grams

Nuts are rich in lipids and proteins, which explains their high energy intake (600 kcal on average).

For pecans, it is 700 calories per 100 grams, 600 for cashew nuts and around 500 for walnuts and hazelnuts.

Despite this, we still recommend eating nuts regularly, as their consumption is beneficial for your health. Nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, calcium and fiber.

2. Dried fruits - 300 calories per 100 grams

The 10 Most Caloric Fruits

On average, there are 300 calories in 100 grams of dried fruits such as prunes, apricots, bananas, dates or figs.

Although they lose their vitamin C while drying, dried fruits have preserved their nutrients, minerals and trace elements. Rich in fiber, they help the intestinal transit and fight against cholesterol.

3. Dates - 300 kcal per 100 grams

Dates are very sweet and contain about 300 calories per 100 grams, which makes them very good fruits for sportsmen, but less so for dieters!

They are, on the other hand, a good source of dietary fiber and contain a high concentration of antioxidants.

4. Avocados - 220 kcal per 100 grams

This delicious fruit is very caloric, as half of one contains 220 kcal and 15 g of fat.

The avocado is, however, packed with omega 3, vitamins and minerals.

Consume it in moderation.

5. Coconuts - 360 kcal per 100 grams

Rich in fatty acids, potassium and carbohydrates, this holiday fruit is full of nutrients, but is also very caloric.

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On the other hand, the coconut contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which makes it a great ally to our intestinal transit, and a satisfying food.

6. Bananas - 90 kcal per 100 grams

100 grams of bananas contain about 90 calories, making the banana, the most consumed tropical fruit in the world, a very caloric one as well.

But bananas are also rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium and fiber.

Enjoyable and easy to take anywhere, it's a perfect snack and a great breakfast if made into pancakes!

7. Grapes - 75 kcal for 100 grams

A great ally to cardiovascular health, source of many vitamins and minerals, grapes are an excellent fruit for your health.

With 75 calories per 100 grams, it is also moderately caloric.

8. Cherries - 65 kcal per 100 grams

The cherry is generous in vitamin C, potassium, provitamin A, vitamin B, zinc, iron, calcium...

It is therefore a good ally to your health. It also contains 65 calories per 100 grams, so it can be considered as moderately caloric.

Just try not to eat the whole basket!

9. Persimmons - 66 kcal per 100 grams

The persimmon is a fruit with a strong antioxidant potential, because it contains polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin and tannins.

With 66 calories per 100 grams, the persimmon is a moderately caloric fruit. These calories come almost exclusively from the carbohydrates that the persimmon contains in the form of fructose, the fruit sugar.

10. Mangos - 63 kcal per 100 grams

There are 63 calories per 100 grams of mango. A moderate-calorie fruit therefore, in the last position of our list of highest-calorie fruits.

It's rich in potassium, vitamin C and fiber, it would be wrong to deprive yourself of all its virtues!

 The Paleolithic diet, more commonly known as the Paleo diet, is directly inspired by the diet of our ancestors who ate more naturally, unprocessed foods. You should know, however, that it is more than a diet to lose weight, it is, above all, a rather restrictive lifestyle.

Eating as Our Ancestors: the Basic Principle

Our ancestors were primarily hunter-gatherers, so they mainly consumed animal proteins and natural foods. To follow this diet, you will need to favor a diet rich in meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts, and forget all cereals and dairy products, since they did not exist during the Paleolithic era. In regards to sugars and fats, they are consumed in their natural form. Why? Because, according to this diet, the human body would better digest and more easily assimilate the foods that have been consumed for thousands of years.

Everything About the Paleo Diet

Foods Allowed During the Paleo Diet

To follow this diet, you can eat all lean meats from animals fed exclusively on grass, poultry, wild fish, eggs, vegetables poor in starch such as cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini, untreated cold pressed oils such as olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil, moderately sweet fruits, nuts, sweet potatoes, yams and other root vegetables, and, finally, untreated herbs and spices.

Foods to Avoid During the Paleo Diet

The list of foods prohibited in the Paleolithic diet is rather consistent. Avoid sweet products, dairy products, cereals and their derivatives such as flour, cakes and bread... Avoid, also, industrial products like soda, pre-prepared meals, and crisps and other appetizer biscuits. You will also have to eliminate from your diet all cooked or extracted oils, legumes such as beans, soybeans or chickpeas...

Recommended Cooking During the Paleo Diet

It is clear that, during the Paleolithic era, if fire already existed, our ancestors continued to eat mainly raw foods. If you can actually eat as much raw food as possible, such as vegetables in salads, you are still allowed to cook the food, but take care to preserve it as much as possible. For this, go for steaming or cooking at low heat, without the addition of fat, which will preserve the vitamins of the food.

The Health Benefits of the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet contributes to obvious weight loss, and it is also good for your health, especially to limit the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or even allergies. It also has very positive effects on the skin and helps you regain a beneficial sleep. It also provides ideal digestion. In addition, its high content of protein and dietary fiber also provides a quick sense of satiety, which eliminates daily cravings at all hours.

Since it's hard to follow the diet for a long time, you can do so for a short time and there still will be a positive effect. Eating like your ancestors will make you look funny, but will also allow you to realize that many foods and processed products sold on the market do not serve any purpose!

Among the detox diets to eliminate toxins from our body, the mono diet is becoming more and more popular. But what type of diet is it, and is it safe for our organism?

The Diet to Eliminate Toxins

There are lots of toxins that accumulate in our body from different sources: pollution, tobacco, alcohol, energy drinks, food additives... Several diets have been developed to eliminate all these toxins from our body, such as fasting, for example. The mono diet is also part of these "miracle" diets whose objective is to purify our organism.

But what is that exactly? The mono diet corresponds to the ingestion of a single food, often a fruit, a vegetable, or a complete cereal, in all its possible forms (juice, puree, compote...) for up to three days. For example, many apple, carrot, celery, cherry or rice mono diets have emerged in recent years.

The Mono Diet - Is It Really Good for Losing Weight
Regenerating Our Organs

The goal is to regenerate our organs, mainly the intestine, which is often neglected when it is the source of many disorders if not taken care of. Moreover, it is one of the organs that accumulates the greatest number of toxins!

To detoxify the body, the mono diet is usually done in the following manner: count three days of preparation, three days of diet based on a single food, and three days of return to normal. On the first day of preparation, remove sugar, fat and meats. On the second day, it is necessary to eliminate cereals, dairy products and fish. On the third day, eat only fruits and vegetables. You can then begin your three-day diet, for example, an apple-based one (cooked or raw), while drinking plenty of water. After three days, gradually resume your usual diet by following the same pattern.

A Diet That Is Not Without Danger

Currently, no medical studies can prove the beneficial effects of a mono diet. And, if some say that mono diets are effective, many testimonials darken the picture with adverse effects: intestinal disorders, stomach ache, weight gain, great fatigue, etc. Thus, eating only one food for three days could have adverse effects on your organism, depending on the selected food.

Moreover, this type of diet can also create disgust with a certain type of food: it would be a pity to deprive yourself of delicious vegetables and fruits! Finally, fruit-based mono diets can cause too high a sugar intake, for example, in the case of grape-based mono diets. Finally, you may suffer from severe nutritional deficiencies if you consume only one kind of food. As a result, health professionals say it is a hazardous diet and do not recommend it.

How Can You Purify Your Organism?

Yet, there are many techniques to purify your body! First, practicing physical activity is essential to detoxify your body. You do not have to go to the gym three times a week, but just walking every day can already have beneficial effects. In addition, it is possible to go through a "detox diet" without constraint, for example, by eating only whole fruits, vegetables and various cereals for two days, or by severely limiting red meats and fats.

And, in the case of "little guilty pleasures," like a three-cheese lasagna in the middle of the winter, prefer soups and broths during the following two days! A balanced and diversified diet allows your organs to regenerate and your body to regain strength, while sports and the consumption of certain drinks (green tea and sugar-free infusions) will detoxify your body every day. So no need to deprive yourself!

 More and more people realize that a good diet should be balanced. Apples, bananas and salad - they are all very healthy, but also boring. The goal should not be to eat only fruits, but to make your diet complete and varied. We have looked more closely at the question of what constitutes a healthy diet. In this short article, you will discover seven points which you should consider in a balanced diet.

1. Versatility

Say goodbye to the notion that certain foods are prohibited. Consuming the full variety of foods is a good idea as long as you pay attention to their nutrients and energy content. Your choice should consist of an appropriate quantity and combination of nutrient-rich and low-energy foods. If possible, you should not eat too many pre-prepared foods or fast food.

Tips for a Balanced Diet

2. Cereal products

Bread, noodles, potatoes and rice are indispensable to our diet. And that is also good, because they are rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. If they are made of whole grain, it is all the better. It is best to combine these foods with low-fat ingredients.

3. Vegetables and fruit

You have probably heard that many nutrition centers recommend eating 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit every day. What exactly you eat is left to your preference. A serving can also be a glass of freshly squeezed juice. A good rule of thumb is to eat a portion of fruit or vegetables at each meal. So you have the food of the five portions easily integrated into your daily routine.

4. Meat

Fish contains many valuable nutrients and is, therefore, perfect in terms of meat. If you still prefer a different kind of meat, we recommend lean pieces of poultry, pork, veal or beef.

5. Less fat

Stick to vegetable oils and fats. Keep in mind that fat is often included in many other products. A total of 60-80 grams of fat per day is sufficient.

6. Movement

Good food is often not enough. It is necessary that you move regularly. The recommendation is 30 to 60 minutes of sports per day. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk short distances on foot or ride a bike - all of this will help you, while, at the same time, protecting the environment.

7. Lots of water

And above all is water. Drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day will cover your bodily needs. Very sugary drinks promote weight gain in the long term and should be avoided. Alcohol should not be consumed excessively.

Paleo is lacking, that much is clear. But there are far better options out there when it comes to melting pounds fast, maintaining and even building muscle, and feeling more energized throughout the day – all at the same time. That’s where The Fat Decimator System comes in. Whether it’s Paleo, Keto, Raw, or any other diet of the week, there’s one thing that all these trending fads have in common: they don’t stand up to science. They may be built on interesting and sometimes outlandish theories, sure. But when it comes down to it, the only thing that’s impressive about them is their marketing appeal.

The Fat Decimator System

The Fat Decimator System

He Fat Decimator System, on the other hand, was developed from examining over 500 medical studies, dozens of diet books and diet systems, program, gadgets, pills, and potions. Where these other diets fall short when it comes to science, then, this revolutionary program really shines.

And when you consider just how quickly it can help you shed pounds around your waistline, improve your muscle tone, and give you the lean, trim body you’ve always  wanted, there’s no question that The Fat Decimator System is the best program available today. Trust me; I’ve seen the results myself.

So, what can it do for you?

-          It can help you lose as much as 41lbs in just 3 weeks (like past user Sharon Monroe did) rather than 14lbs over six months.

-           It incorporates nutrient- and fiber-rich meals – the best parts of the Paleo Diet.

-            It shows you how to pack on lean muscle without packing on the pounds.

-           It lets you eat the foods you crave – even ones the cavemen didn’t have!

-           It can help you feel healthier, energized, and more confident than ever before.

The secret of this proven program involves tapping into one little-known biological process that’s making it impossible for many people to lose weight. By showing you exactly how you can overcome and take advantage of this chemical reaction, The Fat Decimator System helps you supercharge your weight loss so you can melt pounds away in half the time. The Truth About Weight Loss & The Paleo Diet 17 The technical details are a bit outside the scope of this book, but luckily, there’s an entire documentary that dives deep into how The Fat Decimator System works on a cellular level. And trust me, once you see how easy dropping pounds can really be, you’ll wonder how you ever missed it in the first place.

The video also shows you just how marine Sergeant Kyle Cooper got his hands on this no-fluff program (while on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden no less!) and how he’s used it to literally save the lives of thousands of people just like you. Go watch the video here today. I guarantee you won’t regret it.

In the end, The Fat Decimator System is without a doubt the quickest, healthiest, and smartest way to get fit fast – without all the hassle of a painful diet. So, put aside the Paleo and start decimating your fat today.
